Ram Mandir Replica to Dazzle at New York’s India Day Parade

A striking replica of the Ram Mandir will be showcased during the India Day Parade in New York on August 18, drawing thousands of Indian Americans. Organized by the Vishva Hindu Parishad of America (VHPA), this year’s parade marks the first display of the temple replica in the U.S. Astriking replica of the Ram Mandir […]
Ram Mandir replica to debut at New York’s India Day parade

A replica of the Ram Mandir will be showcased during the India Day parade in New York on August 18, an event that draws thousands of Indian Americans from the city and its surrounding areas. this will mark the first occasion that a replica of the Ram Mandir will be exhibited in the United States. According to Amitabh Mittal, the general secretary of Vishva […]
New York: Ram Mandir Replica To Be Part Of India Day Parade

The replica of the temple would be 18 feet long, nine feet wide and eight feet in height, according to Amitabh Mittal, general secretary of Vishva Hindu Parishad of America (VHPA) A replica of Ram Mandir would be on display during the India Day parade in New York on August 18, which attracts thousands of […]
Ayodhya Ram Mandir Replica To Be Part Of India Day Parade In New York

The annual India Day Parade in New York is the largest celebration of India’s Independence Day outside India. Washington: A replica of Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir would be on display during the India Day parade in New York on August 18, which attracts thousands of Indian Americans from in and around New York. The replica of […]
Ram Mandir replica to be part of historic India Day Parade in New York

Organised by Federation of Indian Associations, the parade will see scores of floats representing various Indian American communities and a diversity of culture running through the streets of New York. The replica of the temple would be 18 feet long, nine feet wide and eight feet in height, according to Amitabh Mittal, general secretary of […]